“If your life isn’t perfect . . .
If you’ve ever been disappointed . . .
If you feel stressed or tired . . .
This is for you.
Wall Street Journal bestselling author Holley Gerth offers readers the warmth of a caring friend as well as the wisdom of a licensed counselor and certified life coach. Through encouraging truth and practical insights, she’ll show you how it really is possible to live with resilience, strength and even joy no matter what life brings.

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Yes, there will be hurt and hard times but God wants to help you find ways to survive, grow stronger, and even thrive–no matter what happens. You really are going to be okay” (Amazon summary).
- How do the reassurances from someone else ease life’s difficulties?
- What does “take heart” mean to you?
- How are you in charge of your happiness?
Chapter 1: Who You Are is Still the Same
- How do labels bind us?
- Does knowing you are a child of God buoy you up in challenges?
- How do you describe yourself?
- Do you feel you have to earn love? Why?
- How does stress make you shortsighted?
- What is your purpose?
- How have you been thwarted from your purpose in the past?
- How can you overcome these obstacles?
- How does knowing you’re irreplaceable empower you?
- What has made you feel defeated?
- How can you change your negative self-talk to positive self-talk?
Chapter 2: You’re Stronger Than You Know
- What are your unique talents and gifts?
- What are some of your circumstantial strengths?
- What strength have you been given?
- How have you witnessed yourself in a downward spiral?
- How is reflection part of learning?
- How does recording your strengths and victories empower you?
- Who supports and encourages you in stressful times?
- What have been the greatest learning experiences in your life?
- Which of these titles resonates most with you?
- How do stress and challenges isolate you?
- How can you see life in a different light?
Chapter 3: Your Mind is a Powerful Gift
- How has your perception affected your circumstance?
- Explain the quote: “We see things not as they are but as we are ourselves.”
- How is your spirituality wired into your DNA?
- Do you agree with Mellin’s theory that the brain has two main types of circuitry? Joy and stress? Why or why not?
- How do short-term and long-term goals help with change?
- How does change dash hopes?
- What kind of processor are you?
- Do you see a value of the thoughts quiz? Why or why not?
- What thoughts can you use as replacements?
Chapter 4: You Heart is Worth Guarding
- How does stress break down your defenses?
- How does pausing help in reacting to situations?
- Where do you fall into the sates of the heart?
- How can you discover your triggers?
- How does understanding emotions build relationships?
- What are the differences between love and devotion?
- How can harmony be invited into relationship?
- How can you fill with courage? Yourself and others?
- How can you be sensitive to the needs of others?
- Which of these attributes do you need to improve upon?
- What can you do today to embed these characteristics in your life?
- How can you experience Christ’s love?
Chapter 5: You can Keep from Sabotaging Yourself
- If you were to answer Diane Sawyer’s question, “If you had to name the biggest devil in your life?” What would you answer? Why?
- How do you self-sabotage?
- Why?
- What excuses do you give to return to the status quo?
- In what ways do you attempt to meet the expectations of other unnecessarily?
- Where do you feel most insecure?
- What would happen if you didn’t meet up with these expectations?
- How do you respond to insecurities?
- How can you change your reaction?
- How can you free yourself from guilt?
- How does guilt drain your energy?
Chapter 6: You’re Made for a Promised Land
- How can you thrive?
- How do patterns bring a sense of security?
- How does happiness take work?
- How can happiness be achieved?
- Define your internal promised land.
- How do you earn joy?
- Why do we feel we should always be happy?
- How does your idea of perfection blind you from blessings in your life?
- How does Sara Frankl’s story inspire?
- How do you find joy where you are?
- How do you put God first in your life?
Chapter 7: You’ll Remember These Words
- How can you surrender to joy?
- In what ways do you feel you don’t measure up?
- What are the weeds in your life?
- How does fear make you want to quit at times?
- How can you celebrate?
- How can you align your desires for your life with God’s desire for you?
- What does your ebb and flow look like? How can you capitalize on this knowledge?
- What difference can you make in life?
- How would you feel to know you were doing the work required of you?
Chapter 8: You can make the Most of Change
- Ho have moments of change in your life cause moments and opportunities of growth?
- How does change promote trust in God.
- Define change.
- How does change cost you?
- How can you motive yourself fan other through change?
- How can you proactively address change?
- Compare and contrast boundaries to Covey’s locus of control.
- What are the best uses of your energy?
- How does prioritizing help with your commitments?
- When is it okay to say no to another commitment?
- How can you build up your emotional bank account to sustain you in times of change?
- How can you prepare yourself during change?
- What are the times you feel most joyful?
Chapter 9: Your Future is Full of Hope
- How does worry transform into hope and faith?
- How is joy the most vulnerable emotion?
- Why does mankind naturally turn to fear?
- How is worry an illusion?
how is trust the foundation to faith and hope? - How do you apply truth?
- How can you include scripture study in your life?
- Why does mankind naturally ten to drift toward the negative?
- How does journaling aid in happiness and hope?
Chapter 10: You Really are Going to be Okay
- Define resilience.
- What’s the difference between survive and thrive?
- Why do optimists live longer, happier and more satisfying lives?
- How can you learn to be more optimistic?
- Why are our brains preset for kindness?
- How can you avoid seeing the obstacles in your life, focusing instead on solutions?
- Define success.
By Tracy Atkinson
Tracy Atkinson, mother of six, lives in the Midwest with her husband. She is a teacher, having taught elementary school to higher education, holding degrees in elementary education and a master’s in higher education. Her passion is researching, studying and investigating the attributes related to self-directed learners. She has published several titles, including Calais: The Annals of the Hidden, Lemosa: The Annals of the Hidden, Book Two, Rachel’s 8 and Securing Your Tent. She is currently working on a non-fiction text exploring the attributes of self-directed learners: The Five Characteristics of Self-directed Learners.
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