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Discover how Dale’s Cone of Experience boosts engagement, retention, and effectiveness in corporate training programs.
Embracing growth and change, adaptability in learning fosters resilience, innovation, and personal development.
Learning Thru Writing
Learning through Writing How does learning occur through writing? What are some of the benefits?
personal development profiling
What is personal development profiling? It is simply a personal development plan.
Supporting Learning at Home
Learning does not primarily occur at school. Learning must be supported at home. Acquire the tips to make learning at home successful.
Experiential Learning
For all of the positive aspects to experiential learning and those who support this method of learning, there are also noted criticisms or weaknesses to this approach.
Tips for Learning Journals
Starting a learning journal can be daunting for many people, especially for individuals who are not avid writers.
Strategies to develop critical thinking skills are essential to learning and especially to the autonomous learner […]
autonomous learning in adults
Smith and Cardaciotto (2011) shares the five assumptions regarding the adult learner in the practice of […]