Learning Thru Writing

How does learning occur through writing? What are some of the benefits?

Writing forces the individual to slow down and approach the learning experience. It forces an individual to reflect more as writing takes more time.

Writing slows the thinking process and enables the individual to focus on the information at hand. This aids in keeping the mind from jumping around from one topic to another.

Writing increases the effective nature of learning. It embeds learning into existing schemas.

Writing develops new structures and making connections with old and new information.

Writing aids in organizing information. As new information is presented, it is not always presented in ways that are logical to the learner. Writing aids in rearranging the information to make it personal to the learner.

Writing helps the learner to focus on the information at the time and to focus the mind. It forces the learner to center on this information.

Writing helps in formative assessment. Learners can see what they understand and determine the information gaps.

Writing encourages a deeper approach to learning. Students are able to investigate more, discover more, evaluate gaps and create goals to further learning.

Writing helps the learner to determine the quality and quantity of learning. Writers develop a voice in the matter. They are able to move through the levels of competency, gaining a deeper understanding as they are able to evaluate the understanding of the concept.

Writing helps individuals to record gaps in their understanding to investigate and learn more about it later. (Like a learning task list.)

Writing provides an assessment or feedback in a personal nature for the learner.

Writing demonstrates learning. It shows the progress through the learning process and how the learner has grown.


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