External vs Internal Learning
External learning can be seen while internal learning occurs beneath the surface - inside the individual.
Four Levels of Competence
The Four Levels of Competence is an easy to use methodology to guide learners through learning stages to master a topic. Moving through: Unconscious Incompetence Conscious Incompetence Unconscious Competence Conscious Competence
Supporting Learning at Home
Learning does not primarily occur at school. Learning must be supported at home. Acquire the tips to make learning at home successful.
Spectrum of Learning
Learning methodologies can be found on a spectrum from the more teacher-centered approaches to the more learner-centered approaches. This is demonstrated by noting how lectures are teacher-centered while experiential learning is learner-centered.
Experiential Learning
For all of the positive aspects to experiential learning and those who support this method of learning, there are also noted criticisms or weaknesses to this approach.
Tips for Learning Journals
Starting a learning journal can be daunting for many people, especially for individuals who are not avid writers.
The overall goal of the Reflective Cycle is to encourage learners to deeply reflect on learning experiences in a systematic way to create developed learning.
Nationally, 89 percent of low-income first-generation students leave college within six years without a degree. More than a quarter leave after their first year — four times the dropout rate of higher-income second-generation students.
Heteronomy versus Autonomy in Learning
A conversation in research of the autonomous learner is the dichotomy between heteronomy versus autonomy in learning. Heteronomy, in the simplest of terms, is deferring to others, action that is influenced by a force outside the individual, while autonomy is the control of the individual.