Spectrum of Learning

Did the student pass the test? Was the homework submitted correctly and completed sufficiently?

But what if, as educators, we looked at learning as a spectrum? What if were to start to see how learning exists in different modalities and note the relationship between them?

Learning is on a spectrum. When we take a moment to examine the varying ways in which information is presented, learning is understood on a new level and to a deeper degree. The objective is to present new information in a variety of ways to meet the needs of the varying learning personalities and to also see the ways in which students can best grasp information.

Of course, individuals have preferred methods of learning. But this doesn’t mean that knowledge needs to be presented in the same manner. NO! Knowledge and information should be presented in a variety of ways. Even the same information could be given in a variety of ways which meets the goal of not only presenting the information in the desired way but to also present it in ways to challenge the learner and introduce them to different learning techniques.

Learning methodologies can be found on a spectrum from the more teacher-centered approaches to the more learner-centered approaches. This is demonstrated by noting how lectures are teacher-centered while experiential learning is learner-centered.

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