ENFP (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving) Learning Style
Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.
~Excerpted from Introduction to Type®
by Isabel Briggs Myers
ENFP – | 8.1% of the total population |
6.4% of the male population | |
9.7% of the female population |
Extraversion (E) | 49.3% of the total population |
Intuition (N) | 26.7 of the total population |
Feeling (F) | 59.8% of the total population |
Perceiving (P) | 45.9% of the total population |
The estimated frequency table was compiled from a variety of MBTI® results from 1972 through 2002, including data banks at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type; CPP, Inc; and Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Learner Keyword: innovative and exploratory1
Learner Question
ENFPs, while learning, address the question, “How does this help me solve a problem for … (people, relationships)?”2
Learning Style
ENFPs are most interested in information and knowledge related to people and relationships. They enjoy analyzing their feelings toward the information and hearing the opinions of others. They are highly focused on growth and development.
ENFPs tend to procrastinate assessments and assignments. This is not a reflection of their interest in the topic. They easily learn material but prefer to focus on theory.
ENFPs are idealistic individuals who like to develop their own opinions. They do not like to be told what they think. They enjoy scaffolding knowledge into existing schemas and search for patterns in learning. They look to the future when learning, noting how knowledge can be applied to solve current situations.
ENFPs are most motivated to learn when they see a relationship between the classroom instruction and immediate application.
Cognitive Environment
ENFPs prefer to learn in a fast-paced, interactive environment. They enjoy lively classrooms with discussion, interaction, creativity and the use of imagination. They learn best through unstructured, active communication.
ENFPs prefer group work and discussions but they can learn independently when required or needed. They enjoy exploratory learning activities which will engage the imagination.
Open-ended discussions are highly valuable to the ENFP.

For other learning styles: MBTI Learning Styles – A Practical Approach Available in paperback; Kindle; and pdf versions
ENFPs are most comfortable:
- Unstructured classrooms.
- Experimenting and brainstorming
- Problem-solving
- Having a diverse amount of learning activities
- Being the center of attention
- Presenting and acting
- Being with other people
- Questioning
- Having personal involvement
ENFPs are least comfortable:
- Observing environments
- Structured classrooms which are lectures and teacher-centered
- Routine and details
- Taking a passive role in the learning experience
- Independent work -preferring the active, group work but will completely independent work if needed
- Repetition
- Detailed instructions which leave no room for imagination and creativity
Learn More:
For more information on teacher and classroom tips, learner tips, instructional strategies and assessment strategies, see MBTI Learning Styles: A Practical Approach or learn more on Udemy.
Click on one of the sixteen personality types for more information:
Click on one of these dimension for more information:

For other learning styles: MBTI Learning Styles – A Practical Approach Available in paperback; Kindle; and pdf versions
For other learning styles: MBTI Learning Styles – A Practical Approach Available in paperback; Kindle; and pdf versions
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Career Assessment. (2017). The 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Types (MBTI personality types). Retrieved from: http://careerassessmentsite.com/tests/myers-briggs-tests/about-the-myers-briggs-type-indicator/the-16-myers-briggs-personality-types/
CPP, Inc. (2017). Linking MBTI® Personality Type to Learning Style – Strategies and Insights. Retrieved from: http://www.cppblogcentral.com/cpp-connect/linking-mbti-personality-type-to-learning-style-strategies-and-insights/
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Martinez, M. (2006). What is metacognition. Phi Delta Kappan, 64(10), 696-699.
Melvin, J. (2017). Personality Type as an Indicator of Learning Style. University of Rochester. Retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/Tracy/Downloads/JMelvinSGf13paper%20(2).pdf
Myers & Briggs Foundation. (2017). How frequent is my type? Retrieved from: http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/my-mbti-results/how-frequent-is-my-type.htm
Myers & Briggs Foundation. (2017). Type and Learning. Retrieved from: http://www.myersbriggs.org/type-use-for-everyday-life/type-and-learning/
Myers, I. (1998). Introduction to Type: A Guide to Understanding Your Results on the MBTI Instrument. Consulting Psychologists Press.
Myers, I., McCaulley, M., Quenk, N. & Hammer, A. (2009). MBTI Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Instrument. Consulting Psychologists Press.
Okoro, C. & Chukwudi, E. K. (2011). Metacognitive skills: A viable tool for self-directed learning. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 1(4), 71-76.
Pelley, J.W. (2008). The Success Types Learning Style Type Indicator. Retrieved from: Texas Tech University. https://www.ttuhsc.edu/som/success/lsti.aspx
Smith, C. V. & Cardaciotto, L. (2011). Is active learning like broccoli? Student perceptions of active learning in large lecture classes. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11(1), 53-61.
University of Texas. (2017). Experiential Learning. Retrieved from: https://facultyinnovate.utexas.edu/teaching/strategies/overview/experiential-learning
Western Nevada College. (2017). Personality Types and Learning. Retrieved from: http://www.wnc.edu/mbti/personality-types/
Tracy Atkinson is certified in Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) by CPP, Inc. The findings on learning styles derive from research, experience and observations.
Tracy Atkinson, a mother of six, lives in the Midwest with her husband and spirited dachshunds. She is a teacher, having taught elementary school to higher education, holding degrees in elementary education and a master’s in higher education. Her passions include researching, studying and investigating the attributes of self-directed learners. She has published several titles, including: The Art of Learning Journals, Calais: The Annals of the Hidden, Rachel’s 8 and Securing Your Tent. She is currently exploring the attributes of self-directed learners: The Five Characteristics of Self-Directed Learners.
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