The Learning Style Inventory will look at and diagnose the learning styles of individuals. It is a 104 question test that is self-reporting. (Self-reporting means that the student will determine the answer based on their self-observations, feelings and accomplishments.) The Learning Style Inventory is best used in grades three through twelve and will take about 30 minutes to complete.
The LSI also has a manual that is associated with it to address and prescribe suggestions for maximum learning and academic success.
The LSI will assess learner preferences in:
- The immediate environment – including sound, light, temperature, and design
- The emotional stimuli- including motivation, persistence, responsibility and structure
- The social side- including self, peers, pairs, team, adult or a variety
- The physical needs – including perception, intake, time and mobility
- The psychological stimuli – including global/analytical, impulsive/reflective
Dunn and Dunn (1978) claim that the Learning Style Inventory will:
- Allow students to self-identify their preferred ways of learning and how their responses are consistent
- Gives a summary of the preferences and learning style
- Provides a basis for how teachers and students interact that will provide for the best learning results
- Provides strategies for instructional alternatives to complement the student learning style
- When the LSI is given in a group setting, the results will even be compiled to give a summary of the learning styles.
Here are some sample questions from the LSI:
I study best when it is quiet.
I concentrate best when I feel cool.
I have to be reminded often to do something.
I like to mold things with my hands.
I study best at a desk or table.
Dunn, R. & Dunn, K. (1978). Teaching Students Through Their Individual Learning Styles: A Practical Approach. Allyn and Bacon.
Dunn, K., Dunn, R., & Price, Gary E. (1989). Learning style inventory. Lawrence, KS: Price Systems.
Foley, A. (2014). Learning Styles Inventory: The different learning styles and how to determine what you are.
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By Tracy AtkinsonTracy Atkinson, mother of six, lives in the Southwest with her husband and spirited long-haired miniature dachshunds. She is a teacher, having taught elementary school to higher education, holding degrees in elementary education and an EDS in higher education. Her passion is researching, studying and investigating the attributes related to self-directed learners and learning styles. She has published several titles, including MBTI Learning Styles: A Practical Approach, The Art of Learning Journals, Calais: The Annals of the Hidden, Lemosa: The Annals of the Hidden, Book Two, Rachel’s 8 and Securing Your Tent. She is currently working on a non-fiction text exploring the attributes of self-directed learners: The Five Characteristics of Self-directed Learners.
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