Neil Fleming, an educator, has devoted his career to investigating learning styles and determining how individuals […]
The Zone of Proximal Development was first created by a psychologist named Lev Vygotsky. The Zone […]
Transformative learning has also been called transformational learning. It is a theory of adult learning that […]
learning pyramid
The learning pyramid describes varying learning/teaching methodologies and the retention rates of information from these methodologies.
Investigate advantages and disadvantages for the Dunn and Dunn learning style and strengths and weaknesses for learning theories.
Adult learning poses challenges that are unique to the learner -most definitively different than the challenges […]
Understanding and Developing the INTJ Personality Type The INTJ is nicknamed the Mastermind. This personality type […]
Why teach writing skills? A national report recently affirmed that 40% of community college registrants are […]
Asking questions serves a variety of purposes – but in teaching, asking questions, especially the right […]
Prioritizing Daily Life
You’ve probably taken the time to organize your life and pay attention to your goals, values […]