21st Century Learning - Educational Reform
Have you heard of 21st Century Learning? It is a relatively new term. How about the […]
MBTI Personality Types with Optimism and Pessimism
In searching for information on the correlation between MBTI personality type and mental illness, I ran […]
MBTI Styles and Strategies for Learning
One of the greatest benefits of the MBTI personality type is that you’re able to match […]
Increasing Productive Learning Behavior
Let’s look at the steps to increase productive learning behavior.  First, accentuate the positive. Be aware […]
Reflection in Determining Academic Problems
Take a moment to reflect on what maybe the cause of academic problems. This is an […]
Determining the Causes of Academic Failure
Determining the cause of academic failure is important but not as important as determining what is […]
Why Keep a Learning Journal
The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. ~Leonardo Da Vinci So, why keep a learning […]
Causes of Academic Failure
Before a problem can be fixed or rescue a child from academic failure, the causes of […]
Create Learning Experience
Begin with the end in mind, counsels Stephen Covey, author of the Seven Habits of Highly […]
Language of Responsibility
All of us have those voices inside of ourselves that influence our attitudes and our behaviors. […]