My favorite question when I teach is:

Why are we learning this? or Why do I have to know this?

It generally leads to frustration for me as I am quite task oriented and feel the need to complete whatever I have planned, but in many cases, the question has caused me to pause and reflect on what I have learned and why I need to know the information. Such is the case with the pilgrims. Lessons Learned from the Pilgrims

There are many valuable lessons we learn from studying our heritage and particularly from our pilgrims. Here are just a few:

  • Industry. Their humble example of working hard does much for our youth and ourselves today. I am grateful for their sacrifice as I sit in my warm house and not worry about having to trudge through elements to feed my family.
  • Trust in their Creator.
  • Forging partnerships with people who were different from themselves. There is much to say on this point and many different views, but I like to simply ponder on one question. In what ways can I learn to get along with others who are drastically different than myself?
  • Open to learning new things.
  • Learned to share.
  • Persevered through the most difficult and life-threatening of situations.

As I gratefully and humbly approach this holiday, I will continue to ponder, reflect and give thanks to those who provided us with a great example and lessons of endurance and perseverance.



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